
Current Projects

High-Assurance Medical Cyber-Physical Systems (NanoSTIMA RL 1.4) aims to contribute to safer medical cyber-physical systems through the development of techniques to assess risk and to guarantee appropriate (high-assurance) interfaces/interaction with medical devices. (learn more)

Trustworthy Software Design with Alloy (TRUST) aims to develop a methodology for trustworthy software design that is both formal, unified, and lightweight. Our role in the project is to explore the applicability of the methodology to interactive computing systems. (learn more)

Past projects

Languages and Tools for Critical Real Time Systems (BEST CASE RL8 ) - This project developed tools to ensure the safety and security of systems since the early stages of design. (learn more)

Pattern-based GUI Testing' (PBGT) - The main goal of of this project was to improve current model-based GUI testing methods and tools. Our role in the project was to develop strategy to consider use error and plausible user behaviours in the test case generation process. (learn more)

Platform for Software Verification and Validation (PROVA) - The PROVA project aimed to develop a tool for the validation and verification of software systems, supporting the development process from the requirement specification to the system validation by tests. Our tole es the development of a graphical editor for requirements' modelling.

Agile Prototyping for user Experience (APEX) - APEX is a 3D Application Server based rapid prototyping platform for ubiquitous computing environments. (learn more)

An Infrastructure for Certification and Re-engineering of Open Source Software (CROSS) - This project applied program understanding and analysis techniques to the quality assessment of open source code. (learn more)

A model-based usability analysis environment (IVY) - The IVY workbench is a model based tool for the analysis of interactive systems designs. The tool acts as a frontend to the NuSMV model checker, creating an abstraction layer where models of interactive systems can be developed and analysed. (learn more)