José C. Campos is an Assistant Professor at UMinho and a Senior Researcher at HASLab/INESC TEC. His research interests lie in the intersection of Formal Methods, Software Engineering, and Human-Computer Interaction. (learn more)
Rui Couto is a full time post-doctoral researcher at HASLab/INESC TEC and an invited lecturer at UMinho. His PhD thesis was on pattern-based software development. (learn more)
Michael D. Harrison is an Emeritus Professor at Newcastle University and an external researcher at HASLab/INESC TEC. Most of his research is concerned with modelling and analysis of devices. (learn more)
Carlos C.L. Silva is a PhD student at HASLab/INESC TEC and a researcher at CCG. His research addresses VR-based immersive prototyping, with a particular focus on sound.
André Pinto is a MSc student at HASLab/INESC TEC. He is developing mobile simulations of medical devices.
José Carlos Gonçalves is a MSc student at HASLab/INESC TEC. He is developing widgets for user interfaces prototyping.
Tiago Carvalheira is a MSc student at HASLab/INESC TEC. He is developing widgets for user interfaces prototyping.
Pedro Vale is a MSc student at HASLab/INESC TEC. He is developing model-based testing techniques for mobile applications.
Ricardo Ferreira is a MSc student at HASLab/INESC TEC. He is developing a framework for hybrid (native+web) applications.
Past members
Paolo Masci was a post-doctoral researcher at HASLab/INESC TEC working on V&V of medical device systems. He left to NIA. (learn more)
Saulo Rodrigues worked on is PhD within the group in 2017. His research topic was the modelling of safety critical interactive systems. He left to Algoritmi.
Marcelo Gonçalves was a MSc student at HASLab/INESC TEC working on the model-based testing of user interfaces. He left to Xpand IT.
Pedro Machado was a MSc student at HASLab/INESC TEC working on safety critical interactive systems' modelling.
Henrique Pacheco was a MSc student at HASLab/INESC TEC working on interactive systems' prototyping.
Camille Fayollas was a Visiting Researcher from IRIT in 2016/17, working on fault-tolerant, dependable and usable interactive critical systems. (learn more)
Miguel Pinto was a MSc student at HASLab/INESC TEC working on the model-based testing of user interfaces.
Carlos E. Silva was a PDh student at HASLab/INESC TEC working on reverse engineering of Web applications. He left to Altran.
José Luís Silva was a PDh student at HASLab/INESC TEC working on Ubicomp prototyping. He left to IRIT and is now with ISCTE-UIL.
João Carlos Silva was a PDh student at HASLab/INESC TEC working on reverse engineering of Java applications. He is with IPCA.