To appear
- R. Couto and J.C. Campos (accepted) Improving traces visualisation through layout managers. In International Conference on Graphics and Interaction - ICGI 2018.. IEEE.(BibTeX)
- C. Silva and J.C. Campos (accepted) Towards a Simulation-Based Medical Education Platform for PVSio-Web. In International Conference on Graphics and Interaction - ICGI 2018.. IEEE.(BibTeX)
- M.D. Harrison, P. Masci and J.C. Campos (accepted) Verification Templates for the Analysis of User Interface Software Design. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.(BibTeX)
- R. Couto, J.C. Campos, N. Macedo and A. Cunha (accepted) Improving the Visualization of Alloy Instances. In F-IDE 2018..(BibTeX)
- M.D. Harrison, P. Masci and J.C. Campos (accepted) Formal modelling as a component of user centred design. In FMIS 2018..(BibTeX)
- C. Silva, P. Masci, Y. Zhang, P. Jones and J.C. Campos (accepted) A Use Error Taxonomy for Improving Human-Machine Interface Design in Medical Devices. ACM SIGBED Review (Special Issue on Medical Cyber Physical Systems - MCPS 2018).(BibTeX)
- J.C. Campos and N. Sousa (2018) The MAL Interactors Animator: Supporting model validation through animation. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems.. ACM, pages 11:1-11:7.(BibTeX)
- C. Bernardeschi, A. Domiinici and P. Masci (2018) A PVS-Simulink integrated environment for model-based analysis of cyber-physical systems. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 44(6):512-533.(BibTeX)
- C. Bernardeschi, P. Masci and A. Santone (2018) Data Leakage in Java applets with Exception Mechanism. In Proceedings of Italian Conference on Cyber-Security (ITASEC18)..(BibTeX)
- M.D. Harrison, M. Drinnan, J.C. Campos, P. Masci, L. Freitas, C. di Maria and M. Whitaker (2017) Safety analysis of software components of a dialysis machine using model checking. In Formal Aspects of Component Software.. Springer, pages 137-154.(BibTeX)
- M. Pinto, M. Gonçalves, P. Masci, and J.C. Campos (2017) TOM: a Model-Based GUI Testing framework. In Formal Aspects of Component Software.. Springer, pages 155-161.(BibTeX)
- M.D. Harrison, P. Masci, J.C. Campos and P. Curzon (2017) Verification of User Interface Software: the Example of Use-Related Safety Requirements and Programmable Medical Devices. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, 47(6):834-846.(BibTeX)
- P. Masci, Y. Zhang, P. Jones and J.C. Campos (2017) A Hazard Analysis Method for Systematic Identification of Safety Requirements for User Interface Software in Medical Devices. In Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM'17).. Springer, pages 284-299.(BibTeX)
- J.C. Campos, C. Fayollas, M. Gonçalves, C. Martinie, D. Navarre, P. Palanque and M. Pinto (2017) A "More Intelligent" Test Case Generation Approach through Task Models Manipulation. Proceedings of the ACM on Human Computer Interaction, 1(1):art. 9.(BibTeX)
- Machado, M., Couto, R. and Campos, J.C. (2017) MODUS: Model-based User Interfaces Prototyping. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems.. ACM, pages 111-116.(BibTeX)
- J.C. Campos, T. Abade, J.L. Silva and M.D. Harrison (2017) Don't Go In There! Using the APEX framework in the design of ambient assisted living systems. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 8(4):551-566.
- M.D. Harrison, P. MasciM., J.C. Campos and P. Curzon (2017) The specification and analysis of use properties of a nuclear control system. In The Handbook on Formal Methods in Human Computer Interaction. Springer.(BibTeX)
- B. Weyers, M. Harrison, J. Bowen, A. Dix, P. Palanque (2017) Case studies. In The Handbook on Formal Methods in Human Computer Interaction. Springer.(BibTeX)
- C. Fayollas, C. Martinie, P. Palanque, P. Masci, M.D. Harrison, J.C. Campos and S.R. Silva (2017) Evaluation of formal IDEs for human-machine interface design and analysis: the case of CIRCUS and PVSio-web. In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Formal Integrated Development Environments., pages 1-19.(BibTeX)
- J.C. Campos, C. Fayollas, C. Martinie, D. Navarre, P. Palanque and M. Pinto (2016) Systematic Automation of Scenario-Based Testing of User Interfaces. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems.. ACM, pages 138-148.
- M. Harrison, J.C. Campos, R. Ruksenas and P. Curzon (2016) Modelling information resources and their salience in medical device design. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems.. ACM, pages 194-203.
- R. Couto, A.N. Ribeiro and J.C. Campos (2016) Validating an approach to formalize use cases with ontologies. In Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Formal Engineering Approaches to Software Components and Architectures.. Open Publishing Association, pages 1-15. ((URL))
- J.C. Campos, M. Sousa, M. Alves and M.D. Harrison (2016) Formal Verification of a Space System's User Interface with the IVY workbench. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, 46(2):303-316. ((URL))
- M. Harrison, J.C. Campos, P. Masci and P. Curzon (2015) Templates as heuristics for proving properties of medical devices. In 5th EAI International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare - "Transforming healthcare through innovations in mobile and wireless technologies".. ACM. ((URL))(BibTeX)
- J.C. Campos, J.L. Silva and M. Harrison (2015) Supporting the Design of an Ambient Assisted Living System Using Virtual Reality Prototypes. In Ambient Assisted Living. ICT-based Solutions in Real Life Situations. (I. Cleland and L. Guerrero and J. Bravo, Eds.) Springer, pages 49-61. ((URL))
- T. Abade, J.C. Campos, R. Moreira, C.C.L. Silva and J.L. Silva (2015) Immersiveness of Ubiquitous Computing Environments Prototypes: A case study. In Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions. (N. Streitz and P. Markopoulos, Eds.) Springer, pages 237-248. ((URL))
- J.C. Campos, P. Masci, P. Curzon and M.D. Harrison (2015) Layers, resources and property templates in the specification and analysis of two interactive systems. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Formal Methods in Human Computer Interaction (FoMHCI) 2015.. Universitatsbibliothek, RWTH Aachen University, pages 38-43.
- R. Couto, A.N. Ribeiro and J.C. Campos (2015) The Modelery: A Model-Based Software Development Repository. International Journal of Web Information Systems, 11(2):205-225. ((URL))
- D. Almeida, J.C. Campos, J. Saraiva and J.C. Silva (2015) Towards a Catalog of Usability Smells. In ACM SAC 2015 proceedings - Volume I: Artificial Intelligence and Agents, Distributed Systems, and Information Systems.. ACM, pages 175-181.
- M.D. Harrison, J.C. Campos and P. Masci (2015) Reusing models and properties in the analysis of similar interactive devices. Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, 11(2):95-111. ((URL))
- J. Lamas, C.C.L. Silva, M. Silva, S. Mouta, J.C. Campos and J.A. Santos (2015) Measuring end-to-end delay in real-time auralisation systems. In Euronoise - 10th European Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering. May-June. EAA-NAG-ABAV, pages 791-796.
- J.C. Campos, G. Doherty and M.D. Harrison (2014) Analysing interactive devices based on information resource constraints. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 72(3):284-297. ((URL))
- J.L. Silva, J.C. Campos and M.D Harrison (2014) Prototyping and Analysing Ubiquitous Computing Environments using Multiple Layers. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 72(5):488-506. ((URL))
- T. Gomes, T. Abade, J.C. Campos, M.D. Harrison and J.L. Silva (2014) A Virtual Environment based Serious Game to Support Health Education. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Ambient Systems, 14(3):e5. ((URL))
- C.E. Silva and J.C. Campos (2014) Characterizing the Control Logic of Web Applications' User Interfaces. In Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2014.. Springer, pages 263-276. ((URL))
- R. Couto, A.N. Ribeiro and J.C. Campos (2014) A Study on the Viability of Formalizing Use Cases. In 9th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, QUATIC 2014. September. IEEE, pages 130-133. ((URL))
- R. Couto, A.N. Ribeiro and J.C. Campos (2014) The Modelery: A Collaborative Web Based Repository. In Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2014.. Springer, pages 1-16. ((URL))
- T. Abade, T. Gomes, J.L. Silva and J.C. Campos (2014) Design and Evaluation of a Smart Library using the APEX Framework. In Distributed, Ambient, and Pervasive Interactions. (N. Streitz and P. Markopoulos, Eds.) Springer, pages 307-318. ((URL))
- A.I. Sampaio and J.C. Campos (2014) Towards a Framework for Adaptive Web Applications. In HCI International 2014 - Posters' Extended Abstracts, Part I. (C. Stephanidis, Eds.) Springer, pages 240-245. ((URL))
- T. Gomes, T. Abade, J.C. Campos, M.D. Harrison and J.L. Silva (2014) Rapid Development of First Person Serious Games using the APEX Platform: The Asthma Game. In ACM SAC 2014 proceedings - Volume I: Artificial Intelligence & Agents, Distributed Systems, and Information Systems.. ACM, pages 169-174. ((URL))
- J.C. Campos (2014) High assurance interactive computing systems. In HCI Engineering: Charting the Way towards Methods and Tools for Advanced Interactive Systems. (J. Ziegler and J. C. Campos and L. Nigay, Eds.) Pages 39-42.
- R. Couto, A.N. Ribeiro and J.C. Campos (2014) Application of Ontologies in Identifying Requirements Patterns in Use Cases. In 11th International Workshop on Formal Engineering approaches to Software Components and Architectures (FESCA 2014)., pages 62-76. ((URL))
- M. Sousa, J.C. Campos, M. Alves and M.D. Harrison (2014) Formal Verification of Safety-Critical User Interfaces: a space system case study. In Formal Verification and Modeling in Human Machine Systems: Papers from the AAAI Spring Symposium.. AAAI Press, pages 62-67.
- J.C. Silva, J.C. Campos, J. Saraiva and J.L. Silva (2014) An approach for graphical user interface external bad smells detection. In New Perspectives in Information Systems and Technologies, vol. 2.. Springer, pages 199-205. ((URL))(BibTeX)
- J.M. Machado and J.C. Campos (2014) Development of Dependable Controllers in the Context of Machines Design. In Modern Methods of Construction Design.. Springer, pages 125-131.(BibTeX)
- J. Ziegler, J.C. Campos and L. Nigay (2014) HCI engineering: Charting the way towards methods and tools for advanced interactive systems. In Proceedings of the 2014 ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS 2014).. ACM, pages 299-300.(BibTeX)
- M.D. Harrison, P. Masci, J.C. Campos and P. Curzon (2013) Automated theorem proving for the systematic analysis of interactive systems. Electronic Communications of the EASST, 69: Formal Methods for Interactive Systems 2011. ((URL))(BibTeX)
- C. Silva, C. Mendonça, S. Mouta, R. Silva, J.C. Campos and J. Santos (2013) Depth cues and perceived audiovisual synchrony of biological motion. PLoS ONE, 8(11):e80096. ((URL))
- T. Gomes, T. Abade, M.D. Harrison, J.L. Silva and J.C. Campos (2013) Developing Serious Games With The APEX Framework. In Proceedings of the Workshop on "Ubiquitous games and gamification for promoting behavior change and wellbeing"., pages 37-40.
- C.E. Silva and J.C. Campos (2013) Combining Static and Dynamic Analysis for the Reverse Engineering of Web Applications. In Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS 2013). (P. Forbrig and P. Dewan and M. Harrison and K. Luyten and C. Santoro and S.D.J. Barbosa, Eds.) ACM, pages 107-112. ((URL))
- J.C. Campos and J. Machado (2013) A Specification Patterns System for Discrete Event Systems' Analysis. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 10:315.
- S. Moreira, R. José and J.C. Campos (2013) An empirical study on immersive prototyping dimensions. In Human-Computer Interaction: Human-Centred Design Approaches, Methods, Tools and Environments. (M. Kurosu, Eds.) Springer, pages 421-430.
- L. Oliveira, A.N. Ribeiro and J.C. Campos (2013) The Mobile Context Framework: providing context to mobile applications. In Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions. (N. Streitz and C. Stephanidis, Eds.) Springer, pages 144-153.
- R. Couto, A.N. Ribeiro and J.C. Campos (2013) MapIt: A model based pattern recovery tool. In Model-Based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software. (R.J. Machado and R.S.P. Maciel and J. Rubin and G. Botterweck, Eds.) Springer, pages 19-37.
- R. Couto, A.N. Ribeiro and J.C. Campos (2012) A patterns based reverse engineering approach for Java source code. In 35th Annual IEEE Software Engineering Workshop.. IEEE Computer Society, pages 140-147.
- C.E. Silva and J.C. Campos (2012) Can GUI implementation markup languages be used for modelling? In Human Centred Software Engineering (HCSE 2012). (Marco Winckler and Peter Forbrig and Regina Bernhaupt, Eds.) Springer, pages 112-129.(BibTeX)
- (2012) Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, EICS'12. (S. Barbosa and J.C. Campos and R. Kazman and P. Palanque and M. Harrison and S. Reeves, Eds.), Copenhagen, Denmark, ACM. ((URL))(BibTeX)
- M.D. Harrison, J.C. Campos, P. Masci and N. Thomas (2012) Modelling and systematic analysis of interactive systems. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Formal Methods in Human-Machine Interaction (Formal H). (M.L. Bolton and A. Degani and P. Palanque, Eds.) Pages 25-28. ((URL))
- J.L. Silva, J.C. Campos and M.D. Harrison (2012) Formal analysis of Ubiquitous Computing environments through the APEX framework. In ACM Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS2012).. ACM, pages 131-140.(BibTeX)
- L. Freire, P.M. Arezes and J.C. Campos (2012) A literature review about usability evaluation methods for e-learning platforms. Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation, 41:1038-1044.
- J.C. Campos, J. Saraiva, C. Silva and J.C. Silva (2012) GUIsurfer: A Reverse Engineering Framework for User Interface Software. In Reverse Engineering - Recent Advances and Applications, pages 31-54. . InTech.